
Representative Work

Technology as Amplifier: Technology amplifies human intent and capacity; it doesn't substitute for them. [TEDx Talk] [Panel] [Boston Review article] [Book] [Paper]
Aspirations and Development: Development efforts should emphasize aspirations rather than needs. [Paper]
HCI and Global Development: Human-computer interaction and global development have a lot to offer each other. [Paper]
Critical Race Theory for HCI: "Algorithmic bias" is just the tip of the iceberg of racism in technology. Joint work with Ihudiya Ogburu, Angela Smith, and Alexandra To. [Paper] [Workshop] [Related Talk on Data Science & Social Justice]

Sample Research Projects

In roughly reverse chronological order...

Community Collectives: Socio-technical support for entrepreneurial efforts among Detroit residents. Joint work with Julie Hui, Tawanna Dillahunt, and others. [Paper 1] [Paper 2]
Digital Interventions for Global Maternal Health: Commonalities in attempts to support pregnant mothers in Pakistan, South Africa, and urban U.S.A. Joint work with Amna Batool, Grace Burleson, Mustafa Naseem, and many others. [Paper 1] [Paper 2]
Returning Citizens and Digital Literacy: Formerly incarcerated people have unique digital literacy needs. Joint work with Ihudiya Finda Ogbonnaya-Ogburu. [Paper]
Digital Technology and Transcendent Experiences: Experienced meditators don't think digital technology offers too much for their practices. Joint work with Robert Markum. (Image credit) [Paper]
Makerspaces for Older Adults: Assisted-living residents 80-years old and above use a makerspace. Joint work with Killian Carucci. [Paper] [News Article]
Tech Use among Undocumented Immigrants: Precarious legal status affects technology use and concerns. Joint work with Tamy Guberek, Sylvia Simioni, and others. [Paper]
Indian Women in Computing and HCI: Women in India face significant hurdles working in computing and HCI. Joint work with Divy Thakkar et al. [Paper]
Ten Myths of ICT4D: Persistent myths in ICT and international development. [Blog] [Talk]
What Constitutes Good ICTD Research?: Agreement and disagreement with Jenna Burrell. [Paper]
Research on Rural Telecenters: An investigation into rural telecenters, their impact, and sustainability. Joint work with Renee Kuriyan et al. [Paper] [Website]
Digital Slates for Microfinance: Using a digital slate and pen to streamline microcredit bookkeeping. Joint work with Aishwarya Ratan et al. [Paper]
Featherweight Computing: Multimedia experiments with cheap audio electronics and paper. Joint work with Gerry Chu et al. [Paper]
Digital Green: Participatory video and mediated instruction for agriculture extension. Joint work with Rikin Gandhi et al. [Paper] [Website] [NYT Article]
Warana Unwired: Replacing a village PC kiosk system with mobile phones and SMS text-messaging. Joint work with Rajesh Veeraraghavan et al. [Paper] [Website]
Text-Free User Interfaces: Evidence-based guidelines for designing user interfaces for non-literate users. Joint work with Indrani Medhi et al. [Sample Paper] [Indrani Medhi's Website] [MoMA]
MultiPoint: Multiple mice per PC permits multiple children to engage simultaneously with educational software. Joint work with Udai Pawar et al. [Sample Paper] [Talk] [Product Website] [Forbes Article]
WWMX: World-Wide Media eXchange - an early photo/map mashup. Joint work with Ron Logan, Asta Roseway. [Paper] [Product Website] [NYT Article]
Project Lachesis: Computing common destinations and trajectories from GPS tracks. Joint work with Ramaswamy Hariharan et al. [Paper]
Flash/No-Flash: Enhanced digital photography with flash/no-flash image pairs. Joint work with Georg Petschnigg et al. [Paper]
Automated Region Filling: Region filling and object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting. Joint work with Antonio Criminis, Patrick Perez. [Paper]
Tracking with Exemplars: Probabilistic tracking of objects in video through exemplars in a metric space. Joint work with Andrew Blake. [Paper] [Marr Prize]
Wallflower: Different algorithms for background subtraction in video. Joint work with John Krumm et al. [Paper]
Incremental Focus of Attention: Robust vision-based tracking through incremental focus of attention. Joint work with Greg Hager. [Paper] [Video]